Do YOU have a “Higher-Power-Inner-‘GPS’-Life-Direction-Finder?”
(That’s a fancy way of saying, “Are you connected to what God is telling you?”)
One day I tried to use maps on my phone to find out how to get somewhere.
But it didn’t work until I entered my LOCATION.
Then it struck me.
You’ll never find your way to where you want to GO, until you first know WHERE YOU ARE!
The GPS (Global Positioning System) sends signals back and forth to the satellites, to get you on your way.
In a similar way, in order to get to where we want to go, we need to connect our divine “GPS” signal to direct us on the right ‘road’.
But how do we do that?
We need to connect to WHERE WE ARE, NOW.
The problem for most of us is that we are so stuck in the past that we lose touch with the present moment.
When you look for me in the Past,
you won’t find me,
because my name is not, “I WAS.”
And when you look for me in the future,
you won’t find me,
because my name is not,
But when you look for me in the Present,
you WILL find me,
because my name is, “I AM”
The consciousness of the Universe, Life, or God (whatever you conceive “Him, Her or It” to be), is bigger and more accurate than satellites – and vibrating through every molecule in the universe.
That “Higher Power Inner ‘GPS’ Life Direction Finder”, already KNOWS where you are.
But do YOU?
Whatever stops us from getting in touch with that “I AM” in the Now, is what you need to discover.
Think of the MAP of your Life:
Where did you COME from? (Your PAST)
Where are you GOING? (What you really want, but don’t know how to get there)
& Where are you NOW? (Your Present)
What is it that keeps you stuck in the past, or fantasizing about the future?
Is it Anger? Shame? Fear?
“For I know the PLANS I have for you”, says the Lord. “Plans to bless and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” Jer. 29:11.
GPS on our phone asks:
“Will you allow Permission to Access your Location?”
Your Higher “GPS” system is ready to guide you.
But your Higher Power will not force itself on you.
You need to ASK and it will be given.
Connect to that vibrational frequency, to receive direction to your highest good, today.
“Seek and you will find.
Knock and the door will be opened”.
The truth can be scary, but what’s worse is staying where you are.
Are you ready to ask?
If “Yes”, then Re-examine the map, and ASK YOURSELF:
“Where AM I on the ‘map’ RIGHT NOW?”
Do any of these ‘towns’ look familiar?
Rocky Relationships
The Leap to Conclusions
The Pool of Self-Pity
A Turn for the Worse
Down in the Dumps
The Desert of Despair
If you’ve been to that town called, “Going Round in Circles”, It may be time to begin “Recalculating”.
If you want a new “DESTINATION”,
“Where do I REALLY want to BE?”
This is your ‘Moment of Decision’.
Are you ready to leave the past behind?
Take a step in the right direction.
The first step is to ASK.
Ask and Ye shall receive
“ASK” to schedule a Discovery Session with Ruth: